Plan for the unexpected. Get homeowners insurance to help pay for repairs, replacement costs and extra living expenses if something happens to your home. Fire, wind, hail, lightning, theft—you’re covered. You’ll just have to pay your deductible, and your homeowners insurance policy takes care of the rest.

Have peace of mind insuring your vehicle, do not wait for tomorrow, insure your car today!

There’s something you should know: Flood losses ARE NOT covered by your homeowners insurance policy.
Floodwaters have the power to damage not only your home and sense of security but, also your financial future. How can you protect your most important investment in case of flooding?
- Many people wrongly believe that the U.S. government will take care of all their financial needs if they suffer damage due to flooding. The truth is that Federal disaster assistance is only available if the President formally declares a disaster. Even if you do get disaster assistance, it’s often a loan you have to repay, with interest, in addition to your mortgage loan that you still owe on the damaged property. Most importantly, you must consider the fact that if your home is flooded and disaster assistance isn’t offered, you’ll have to shoulder the massive damage costs alone. The bottom line is that if you’re looking for secure protection from financial loss due to flood damage, Federal disaster assistance is not the answer. When disaster strikes, flood insurance policyholder claims are paid even if a disaster is not Federally declared. Flood insurance means you’ll be reimbursed for all your covered losses. And unlike Federal aid, it never has to be repaid. In general, a policy does not take effect until 30 days after you purchase flood insurance. So, if the weather forecast announces a flood alert for your area and you go to purchase coverage, it’s already too late. You will not be insured if you buy a policy a few days before a flood.

Navigating our rivers, lakes, and oceans is one of the most beautiful and relaxing activities but, do not forget that a calm water can become violent without warning…

Being healthy is one of the greatest things we can possess, is your body inside as healthy as it looks on the outside? Sometimes there are health conditions that we can’t always see or feel, they silently wait until they appear with intensity and with many complications. A health insurance policy is a must to have, do not play with your health, call and inquire with us.

When we hear the words life insurance, we immediately think that the insured in the policy has to die for benefits to be paid, this is not so anymore. There are new life insurance policies that pay you benefits while you are alive if you were to loose the ability to perform two or or more ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). Please call us to inquire about new insurance products.

We have coverage for movie production and its related activities. We literally offer hundreds of specialty insurance products!
Commercial insurance as General and Professional Liability are available for many business types and professions.
Please call us for more information.

Many retirees think that their social security retirement benefits would be enough to cover the life style that they are accustomed to. Unfortunately for many retired people, this is not the case, living expenses, and many other expenditures end up consuming their social security income. If retirees do not have additional income from other retirement investments, they will struggle to stay afloat.